website redesign website redesign

Redesign Your Website For Better SERP Rankings and User Experience

As a website owner, you’ve probably reworked the design of your site a couple of times in the past, right? Maybe you wanted to make the site load a little bit faster, or you wanted to bring in a nifty feature for the benefit of your customers. Whatever the reason for redesigning your site, it’s something you have to do every time web technology changes, or when Google (read search engines) introduces a new algorithm.

While we all understand why you need to update your web design to take advantage of new technology, like what happened when Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) came to the scene, most web masters may not know the benefit of redesigning their sites to match changes in Google’s algorithm or other search engines for that matter.

Website Design Can Help You Rank Higher

If you are skeptical about changing the appearance of your site for Google, here’s an example. During the last few months of 2016, Google started leaning towards AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) websites.

An AMP HTML Example

AMP is a project driven by Google and the guys behind the WordPress CMS. The whole gist behind the project is to make websites load instantly, by leveraging Google’s cache. Google started favoring websites using AMP HTML and rewarded early adopters with high SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) rankings.
Therefore, if you run a dog food website, for instance, you’d rank higher than your competitors if you use AMP HTML. Google ranks you even higher if you have useful content on your site, good social signals, and proper On-page and off-page optimization.

However, web design is the first step towards ranking better on SERPs. If your site is poorly designed with broken HTML syntax, Google will rank you lower than other well-designed sites. That’s just one side of having a properly designed site.

The other reason you should seek website redesign services is to make it easier for your users to use your site. User experience is another search engine ranking factor that webmasters ignore, at their peril.

Website Redesign for Improved User Experience and SERPs

If a user gets to your site through Google and immediately clicks the back button because he finds the website unusable, Google takes this as a sign of poor content or user experience. The search engine will then rank your website at the bottom tiers where no one will ever find it.

By concentrating on user experience during the web development phase, you can prop your site for better ranking even before you start perfuming SEO actions on it. In fact, giving web design informed priority makes it easier for you to optimize it for search engine rankings later on.

Being on the top of SERPs is absolutely necessary if you are looking to earn with your site, and the first step towards scaling the SERPs is with a properly worked website redesign.